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14 of the best and worst foods for your teeth revealed

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    The health of your teeth is directly tied to what you eat. After all, we all know that if we eat too much candy and drink too much soda, our teeth are likely to rot and decay.

    But there are other foods that might surprise us as far as their impact on our teeth is concerned. With that in mind, we've put together seven of the best and seven of the worst foods for your teeth, to help you consider what you eat this year.

    7 of the best foods for teeth

    The best foods for your teeth are rich in calcium, protein, and other essential minerals and vitamins. So, if you're keen to improve your oral hygiene, add the following seven foods to your diet this year:

    1. Dark chocolate

    Provided that you brush your teeth regularly and eat it in moderation, dark chocolate is actually one of the best foods for your teeth. This is because it contains a substance called CBH, which is excellent for hardening your tooth enamel.

    2. Garlic

    While most people associate garlic with bad breath, it's actually a great food for you teeth. This is because allicin, a compound from garlic, eliminates the bacteria that causes tooth decay and helps to keep your teeth healthy.

    3. Leafy greens

    You probably won't be surprised to see leafy greens on this list, as they are good for practically all areas of your health, teeth included. This is because they are packed with nutrients and vitamins, as well as folic acid, which can keep your teeth healthy.

    4. Almonds

    All nuts, but particularly almonds, are packed with protein and calcium, which are essential building blocks for healthy teeth. What's more, when you chew almonds, you also scrape off some of the plaque on your teeth, which is a double bonus.

    5. Tea

    Though tea can be associated with discoloration of teeth for some people, hot green and black tea can also be good for your teeth in moderation. They contain fluoride, which protects your teeth from fluoride and is also great at reducing inflammation in the gums

    6. Strawberries

    If you're worried about tooth discoloration, add strawberries to your diet. This delicious fruit contains a substance called malic acid, which is a natural tooth whitener that helps to reduce stains on your teeth.

    7. Salmon

    Salmon is one of the best oily fish for teeth as it's rich in omega-3 acids that boost the health of your gums. Salmon is also high in Vitamin D and calcium, which are great for the strength of your teeth.

    7 of the worst foods for teeth

    From the good to the bad, let's take a look at some of the worst foods you can eat as far as your teeth are concerned:

    1. Candy

    Any type of candy is laced with sugar and other potentially harmful products that can cause problems for your teeth. Sour candies are particularly bad, because they are high in acids that can be tough on your enamel. If you want to keep your teeth healthy, avoid candy.

    2. Bread

    Though a staple of so many people's diets, bread is actually really bad for your teeth. This is because when you chew it, your saliva breaks the starches down into sugar, which can stick to the crevices between your teeth.

    3. Alcohol

    Alcohol is bad for all aspects of your health, and your teeth are no exception. One of the reasons that alcohol is bad for your teeth is that it causes your mouth to dry out, and the lack of saliva prevents food from sticking to your teeth and gums. If you drink alcohol, make sure you do so in moderation and take enough water to keep you hydrated.

    4. Carbonated sodas

    While diet sodas are definitely better for you than their full sugar counterparts, they can still have an adverse effect on your teeth. Carbonated sodas enable plaque to produce more acid, which has a bad effect on tooth enamel. What's more, if you drink too much dark colored soda, you may stain your teeth.

    5. Citrus fruits

    Though they're okay in moderation, citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are high in acid, which can erode enamel. If you enjoy citrus in tea or other drinks, make sure you dilute it with sufficient water.

    6. Potato chips

    As tasty as they are, potato chips are not good for your teeth. This is due to the amount of starch that they contain, which leads to sugar becoming trapped between your teeth, leading to bacteria. If you do eat potato chips, consider flossing immediately afterwards to remove the starch from your mouth.

    7. Dried fruits

    Though many people regard dried fruits as a healthy snack, they're still high in sugar and are sticky, which isn't great for your teeth. Dried fruits can cling to your teeth and leave sugar in your crevices. So, if you like to enjoy dried fruits from time to time, wash your mouth out with a mouthwash after eating.

    Recap - the best and worst foods for your teeth

    To maintain healthy teeth, we recommend adding as many of the healthy foods above to your diet as possible. Equally, try and avoid the worst foods for your teeth wherever possible.

    If you do eat some of the foods above that aren't great for your teeth, make sure you brush your teeth regularly with the Laifen Wave toothbrush to remove debris and plaque and to keep your mouth fresh and healthy.

    You should also floss regularly and use a quality mouthwash to keep your teeth fresh, healthy, and strong.

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