In this article
People all around the world fast for lots of reasons. Some fast for religious purposes, while others fast for the health and wellness benefits it's known for.
The key to any type of fast is that your body remains in what is known as "the fasted state." If you take on calories while fasting, it can alter your state and may render the fast ineffective.
Here, we look at whether you can chew gum while fasting and explore some different examples of fasts that may be affected by chewing gum.
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Does chewing gum ruin a fast?
This depends.
If you chew regular gum, it contains both calories and sugar, which can potentially ruin a fast. A regular stick of chewing gum contains around 11 calories, while sugar-free gum comes in at around half the calories, with many brands consisting of just 5 or 6 calories*. Some brands of high-sugar bubble gums contain up to 30 calories.
*Source: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168771/nutrients
Needless to say, if the objective of your fast is to take on zero calories for a predefined period, avoiding any form of gum is necessary.
The type of fast is important
Even though chewing gum contains calories, most experts agree that there aren't enough calories in gum alone to break a fast. So, chewing one or two sticks of sugar-free gum during fasting hours shouldn't affect your fast if you are doing it for health reasons. This applies to intermittent fasts like the 16:8 and 5:2 diets.
But what if you're fasting for religious reasons?
During Ramadan, Muslims aren't allowed to take any food or beverage during daylight hours. This includes water. So, if you're fasting because of Ramadan, you can't eat chewing gum*.
*Source: https://www.muslimaid.org/media-centre/blog/ramadan-rules/
Yom Kipur, a type of fast Holy to the Jewish faith, requires people to fast on the Day of Atonement. On this day, Jewish people are not permitted to eat or drink anything, so again, chewing gum should be avoided.
*Source: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/yom-kippur-fasting-the-details/
The period of Lent for Christians is slightly different. At the beginning of Lent, many Christians agree to give up a specific type of food or drink, perhaps meat, bread, or even something like soda.
Provided that the Christian doesn't agree to give up chewing gum at the start of Lent, then they won't be breaking their religious fast by enjoying gum throughout the 40-day fast.
Can chewing gum actually help with fasting?
Some people who undertake intermittent fasting actually use chewing gum as a way to stave off hunger. After all, chewing sugar-free gum throughout the day can potentially reduce hunger pangs and may help you fight urges that could cause you to break your fast.
An interesting study found that the simple act of chewing sugar-free gum for a period of one hour reduced hunger and helped to reduce caloric intake at meals*.
*Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28733151/
There is evidence out there to support the notion that chewing gum can help with fasting in some cases, but it really depends on your personal situation and tendencies.
The best way to look at it is that chewing gum can potentially help with fasting, but it can also hinder fasting, particularly if you chew numerous sticks of sugary gum or bubble gum during hours that you're meant to be fasting.
The verdict: Can you chew gum while fasting?
As we suggest in the title, it really depends on your situation and the reason that you're fasting. Generally, if you're fasting for religious regions in the Muslim or Jewish faiths, you shouldn't eat chewing gum.
But if you're following an intermittent fast or a health fast, a stick of sugar-free chewing gum with less than 10 calories isn't likely to change the state of fast and should be okay for most people.
Q1: Can you chew gum while fasting as a Christian?
If you are following Lent, you can chew gum, provided that you haven't agreed to give it up before the start of the fasting period.
Q2: Can you chew sugar-free gum while fasting?
If you're going to chew any type of gum during a fast, sugar-free is the best option, as it contains no more than 5 or 6 calories on average.
Q3: Can you chew gum while fasting for blood work?
Probably not. We recommend asking your doctor directly, as you don't want to do anything to distort the results.
Q4: Can you chew sugar-free gum while intermittently fasting?
For most people, a stick of sugar-free chewing gum is unlikely to affect your fasted state while following an intermittent fasting diet. However, limit your intake of gum and avoid sugary gums that contain lots of calories.
Q5: Can you chew gum while fasting in the Islamic faith?
If you are fasting during Ramadan, you are not permitted to take any food and beverages during the allotted time. Therefore, you should avoid any type of gum during the Holy month.