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How to deal with exposed bone after tooth extraction

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Noticing an exposed bone after tooth extraction can be worrying. Is it meant to be there? What causes it? And how do you treat it? Well, the important thing is not to panic. Lots of patients experience exposed bone after tooth extraction, and it's a result of the natural healing process that the body implements after the procedure.

In this article, we explain exactly what causes a bone to be exposed after tooth extraction and reveal what to do if you notice the symptoms. Thankfully, most people can get the bone treated or removed without much issue, so it's nothing to worry about as we explain below.

Can bone be exposed after tooth extraction?

Following a tooth extraction procedure, it is possible for bone to be exposed. This is known as a bone spicule.


It is most common following the extraction of wisdom teeth and can occur as a result of the natural contours and healing processes within the jawbone region.

Though it doesn't necessarily put you in immediate danger, exposed bone after tooth extraction can certainly be painful and it needs to be treated by a dentist.

Is it normal to have bone exposed after tooth extraction?

While not normal to experience a bone spicule, it can commonly occur after wisdom teeth removal. It's not a result of improper treatment or any complication, and it typically occurs as a result of the body's natural healing process.

This is because the bone that once supported the removed tooth will form sharp spurs as it begins to reshape and heal.

In the extraction site, it is these spurs that become dislodged and exposed. If left untreated, they can be painful and may even lead to an infection, which is why it's so important to see your dentist.

Symptoms of exposed bone in gum after tooth extraction

Is exposed bone in the gum after tooth extraction painful? Yes, it usually is. In fact, here are some of the symptoms you might recognize if you have exposed bone in the extraction site:

✅ Dull pain at the site of the extraction

✅ Redness of the area and excessive swelling

✅ A sharp sensation in the gum tissue

✅ The early signs of an infection, which could include pus and inflammation

You might be able to temporarily relieve the symptoms of exposed bone by taking over-the-counter pain relief or via a natural home remedy.

However, it's a good idea to get on the phone to your dentist so they can check the extraction site and make a diagnosis ahead of a planned treatment plan to resolve the issue.

The best course of treatment for exposed jaw bone after tooth extraction

There are actually several potential ways to treat exposed bone following tooth extraction. However, they all begin with a visit to your dentist. Here are some of the treatment options your dentist might recommend:

  • Management of the spicule: In some instances, the dentist may advise management of the spicule to help it work its way from the extraction site naturally. This will involve several trips to the dentist for saline rinses and it might take several weeks or months to remove itself.

  • Manual or surgical removal: If possible, your dentist will look to remove the spicule manually. If possible, this won't take long and won't require any surgery. However, if the spicule is deep rooted, large, or causing complications, you dentist may recommend further minor surgery to remove it.

Though you might be tempted to ignore the exposed bone, you need to get it treated, as it can lead to potential complications, as we explain below.

What happens if you leave the jaw bone exposed after tooth extraction?

The main issue you will face if you leave the bone exposed after a tooth extraction is pain and discomfort. You will likely experience a dull pain in the jawbone itself, and the gum might feel painful and inflamed.

However, the extraction site might also become infected, which could lead to various other issues, including gum disease.

If you don't have the spicule removed, it will take much longer for the extraction site to heal, and you may need future surgery to remove it as it increases.

Ultimately, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible if you think you have exposed bone after a tooth extraction to avoid any future complications.

The last words

While it doesn't happen to everyone, you might experience a bone spicule after having one of your teeth extracted. This is essentially a small piece of bone that has become exposed and it needs to be removed or at least professionally managed to prevent infection.

For most people, the exposed bone can be manually removed by a dentist, but minor surgery might be required if the bone is particularly big or causing problems in the jawline or gums.

1 comment on How to deal with exposed bone after tooth extraction
  • Tonya
    TonyaMay 11, 2024

    I just had an extraction just a week ago, went back to my dentist and he gave me 2 options.
    1. Pay him to remove it
    Or 2 , wiggle it out myself.

    It seems to be still attached to my jaw bone or at least feels like it.

    I’m not sure how long to wait to go back or if I get a second opinion.

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